This is what I currently have -> website A with its own firebase host ( -> website B with its own firebase host (
This wasn't hard to set up, just multiple sub-domains redirecting to different Firebase hosts. Now, what I want, is a reverse proxy takes a request and has the option of routing traffic to various servers while keeping the client URL only on the main domain of I'm not sure if this is possible specifically with Firebase, as there are tons of NGINX implementation examples, But basically, I want this: -> website A with its own firebase host ( -> website B with its own firebase host (
Firebase has very intricate redirect options, but redirects also overwrites the client URL. So with a redirect, the client will see instead of, which isn't what I want.
As far as I've figured, I can use Firebase Cloud functions to serve as a middleware, and have it serve either site as needed. However, this introduces a lot of latency as both Cloud functions and Firebase hosted websites have warm-up times from cold starts.
It's totally fine to not give me a complete and detailed answer, I really just want to know if this is possible to begin with, and where I can find relevant resources. Thanks!
To answer my own question and building on Doug's answer of using Cloud Run. There is a quick and painless way to set up a reverse-proxy-like implementation with 2 apps. To do this:
1) Build both apps and have them in separate folders, such as folder A and folder B. You only need the build folders of the apps, you don't need the source code.
2) Create a new Express app at the root of folders A and B.
3) Have Express manage routes using app.get and serve files back using res.sendFile.
4) Containerize the entire Express app following Google's tutorial here, you can ignore the sample application since your new Express app is the application.
5) Upload to Cloud Run as a new service. Keep in mind that while the Google tuts don't specify, you will need to give your user permission to upload to the storage bucket. You will need the command
gsutil iam ch user:[user]:objectViewer gs://us.artifacts.[project-name]
Also make sure to switch to the current project using command gcloud config set project [project-name]
if you have multiple projects.
6) Use Google domain mapping to map to your root domain, so
You must use domain mapping as the URL used by Cloud Run is ephemeral...'cause it's serverless.
Your folder structure should be something like
index.js <- Express app and Docker entry point
/package.json <- for your Express app
Example router would be
app.get('/me/*', (req,res) =>{
app.get('/*', (req,res) =>{
Setting your apps up on subdomains instead works pretty much the same way. Containerize each individual app using step 4, then map each domain separately using Google Domain Mapping.