I'm trying to loop through all .lss files in a folder, and grab a string that exists between two tags, save that value and rename the file using that string.
42982934829.lss -> contains string:
<surveyls_title><![CDATA[J.3200-1118 - Project Title]]></surveyls_title>
Rename to `J.3200-1118 - Project Title.lss`
Here is what I have so far, but I fear my syntax is badly incorrect..
@Echo off
Set Folder=X:\RenameTest
Set Files=*.lss
PushD %Folder%
For %%A in (%Files%) Do For /f %%B IN (
'findstr "<surveyls_title>.*</surveyls_title>" "%ProjectTitle%"'
) Do Call :Rename ..
Goto :Eof
Echo Ren %1 "%ProjectTitle%"
I suppose this is what you want.
@echo off
pushd "X:\RenameTest"
for %%a in (*.lss) do for /f "tokens=3*delims=[]" %%i in ('type "%%a" ^| find "</surveyls_title>"') do echo ren "%%~a" "%%~i%%~xa"
Just remove echo
from the line once you are happy with the printed results.