Can someone give me the regex to match a valid AWS Cognito password - with numbers, special characters (their list), lower and upper case letters
The AWS Cognito default length limit is 6 characters and has it's own list of special characters
/^(?!\s+)(?!.*\s+$)(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[$^*.[\]{}()?"!@#%&/\\,><':;|_~`=+\- ])[A-Za-z0-9$^*.[\]{}()?"!@#%&/\\,><':;|_~`=+\- ]{8,256}$/
Indicates the start of a regular expression.^
Beginning. Matches the beginning of the string.(?!\s+)
Disallows leading spaces.(?!.*\s+$)
Disallows trailing spaces.(?=.*[a-z])
Requires lowercase letters.(?=.*[A-Z])
Requires uppercase letters.(?=.*[0-9])
Requires numbers.(?=.*[\^$*.[\]{}()?"!@#%&/\\,><':;|_~`=+\- ])
Requires at least one special character from the specified set. (The non-leading, non-trailing space character is also treated as a special character.)[A-Za-z0-9^$*.[\]{}()?"!@#%&/\\,><':;|_~`=+\- ]{8,256}
Minimum 8 characters from the allowed set, maximum 256 characters.$
End. Matches the end of the string./
Indicates the end of a regular expression.The minimum character limit defaults to 8 but can be customised to a value between 6 and 99. The full length of a password however is limited to 256 characters (not 99).
Cognito also has a "no leading or trailing spaces" rule in the default password requirements, but there are several docs out there that incorrectly state that "The space character is also treated as a special character". However, the current behaviour is actually "The non-leading, non-trailing space character is also treated as a special character".
To see the correct default password rules, view a user pool, click on the "Sign-in experience" tab, and click on "Contains at least 1 special character" to bring up a tooltip with the rules.