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Odata controller returns not complete result. (EDM model)


I have some entity called Category defined in my EFcontext. It is clean POCO class. In EFContext OnModelCreating method I apply entity configuration. In my startup I configure Odata for my queries and build EDM model based on Conventional Builder. My controller inherited from ODataController, has ODataRoutePrefix, OdataRoute and EnableQuery attributes.


In my response i received:

"@odata.context": "https://localhost:44362/api/odata/$metadata#Categories",
"value": [

It is not mistake. It ends with '['. No error. httpstatus: 200

odata config

        app.UseMvc(options =>
            options.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "api/odata", GetEdmModel());               

        private static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
        ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
        var category = builder.EntitySet<Category>("Categories");
        category.EntityType.HasKey(c => c.Id);

        return builder.GetEdmModel();

EF CategoryTypeConfiguration

    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Category> categoryConfiguration)
        categoryConfiguration.ToTable("Categories", QueryEFContext.DefaultSchema);

        categoryConfiguration.HasKey(category => category.Id);

        categoryConfiguration.Property(category => category.Name).IsRequired();
        categoryConfiguration.Property(category => category.Color).IsRequired();


It returns proper response when I delete line:

 modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new CategoryTypeConfiguration());


  • I once encountered this bug. In my case it happened because an error occurred in Entity Framework but the service returned a 200 OK anyway.

    To see if this is the case in your application you could configure Visual Studio to break on all exceptions:

    • Click: Debug -> Windows -> Exception Settings (Ctrl + Alt + E)
    • Check: 'Common Language Runtime Exceptions'

    Then send your request again and see if any exceptions pop up.