While looking for an answer to my question (a solution is available in one answer in the linked duplicate), I discovered concurrent.futures
, and specifically concurrent.futures.as_completed
The code I ended up with (for the context: I needed to catch in the main program exceptions raised in threads started from that main program) works fine, except that I do not know how how to re-attach to the name of the function being scrutinized in concurrent.futures.as_completed
import concurrent.futures
class Checks:
def isok():
def isko():
raise Exception("KO")
# db will keep a map of method names in Check with the thread handler
db = {}
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
# get the names of the methods in Check, discarding the built-ion ones
for check in [k for k in dir(Checks) if not k.startswith('_')]:
db[check] = executor.submit(getattr(Checks, check))
# at that point I have a map of function_name_as_a_string -> thread handler
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed([db[k] for k in db.keys()]):
if future.exception():
print(f"{str(future.exception())} was raised (I do not know where, somewhere)")
print("success (again, I do not know where, exactly)")
# all the threads are finished at that point
print("all threads are done")
In the success/failure outputs, I know that a method raisod or not an exception. What I do not know is which one did what.
Since the iteration has to be over the thread handlers I could not find a way to "inject" the method name in the loop to use it in the print()
- how can I do that?
A possible solution is to use zip()
and create an iterator of (name, handler) tuples:
import concurrent.futures
class Checks:
def isok():
def isko():
raise Exception("KO")
# db will keep a map of method namles in Check with the actual (executable) method
db = {}
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
for check in [k for k in dir(Checks) if not k.startswith('_')]:
db[check] = executor.submit(getattr(Checks, check))
for name, handler in zip(db.keys(), concurrent.futures.as_completed([db[k] for k in db.keys()])):
if handler.exception():
print(f"{str(handler.exception())} was raised by {name}")
print(f"success in {name}")
# all the threads are finished at that point
print("all threads are done")