I have two observables. First observable is used for ngIf-Block Statement. Second observable is used inside the ngIf-Block and maps values from first observable.
The second observable do not get the first update from source inside the ngIf-Block. On otherhand, outside of ngIf-Block it works.
Any explanations for this unexpected behavior?
Example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-rxjs-template-update-problem
This is happening because number$
is Subject and it's used inside *ngIf
which means it subscribes to sum$
only after this template block is created and that happens after sum$
is updated with this.number$.next(1)
So what you can do is using ReplaySubject(1)
instead that will replay its latest item to every new subscriber so when the template async
pipe inside *ngIf
subscribes to it it gets the last value replayd and updates as you expect.
Your updated demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-rxjs-template-update-problem-xb5f3s?file=src/app/app.component.ts