I want to organize the node functions by Classes in the nodes.py file. For example, functions related to cleaning data are in the "CleanData" Class, with a @staticmethod decorator, while other functions will stay in the "Other" Class, without any decorator (the names of these classes are merely representative). In the pipeline file, I tried importing the names of the classes, the names of the nodes and the following way: CleanData.function1 (which gave an error) and none of them worked. How can I call the nodes from the classes, if possible, please?
I'm not entirely certain what the error you're getting is. If you're literally trying to do from .nodes import CleanData.function1
that won't work. Imports don't work like that in Python. If you do something like this:
class CleanData:
def clean(arg1):
and pipeline.py
from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node
from .nodes import CleanData
def create_pipeline(**kwargs):
return Pipeline(
that should work.