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What are the browser versions displayed selenium grid console?

What are the browser versions displayed in grid console?

Selenium Grid Console

while creating node I haven't specified browser version then what is browser version


  • The Selenium Grid Hub Console shows the pictorial representation of WebDriver support to different variants of WebBrowsers within Selenium Grid irrespective of any Browser Version.



    The above picture represents:

    • maxInstances of Firefox supported: 5
    • maxInstances of Chrome supported: 5
    • maxInstances of Internet Explorer supported: 1

    If you take a step further and click on the Configuration tab you will get the induvidual detailed configuration for each type of browser as:

    • Firefox:

      capabilities: Capabilities {browserName: firefox, marionette: true, maxInstances: 5, platform: WIN8, platformName: WIN8, seleniumProtocol: WebDriver, server:CONFIG_UUID: 69d77ffb-d8e0-4b50-b48d-8bd...}
    • Chrome:

      capabilities: Capabilities {browserName: chrome, maxInstances: 5, platform: WIN8, platformName: WIN8, seleniumProtocol: WebDriver, server:CONFIG_UUID: 8285b9c4-971e-4cff-bbe7-5fe...}
    • Internet Explorer:

      capabilities: Capabilities {browserName: internet explorer, maxInstances: 1, platform: WINDOWS, platformName: WINDOWS, seleniumProtocol: WebDriver, server:CONFIG_UUID: 49978d76-fae9-49e8-99ef-1ec...}
    • Snapshot:
