I would need to add certificate and key inside the newman's .js file. Please advise.
Below is my sample (modified) code,
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
const newman = require('newman');
collection: require("/Users/cloud/Documents/sample.json"), // can also provide a URL or path to a local JSON file.
environment: require("/Users/cloud/Documents/env.json"),
insecure: true,
sslClientCert: fs.readFileSync("/Users/cloud/Documents/certs/test.crt"),
sslClientKey: fs.readFileSync("/Users/cloud/Documents/certs/test.key"),
reporters: 'htmlextra',
reporter: {
htmlextra: {
export: '/Users/cloud/Documents/report', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
darkTheme: true, // optional, tells the reporter to use the `Dark Theme` template
title: 'My new report title'
}, function (err) {
if (err) {throw err;}
console.log('collection run 8 complete!');
I have added the cert and key file and i still get SSL handshake error. But when i run in newman using below command it works. I am not able to pass the client key and client cert in js file
newman run "collectio.json" -e "env.json" --insecure --ssl-client-key <keypath> --ssl-client-cert <cert path>
Below is the error message i see in html report, but it works well in newman CLI,
write EPROTO 4514592192:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1536:SSL alert number 40
Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
In my collection snippet i have used,
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
pm.globals.set("JWT", jsonData.access_token);
Thanks in advance.
You need to use the following options (sslClientCert
and sslClientKey
) within the Newman
run object:
collection: require("/Users/cloud/Documents/sample.json"), // can also provide a URL or path to a local JSON file.
environment: require("/Users/cloud/Documents/env.json"),
insecure: true,
sslClientCert: fs.readFileSync("/Users/cloud/Documents/certs/test.crt"),
sslClientKey: fs.readFileSync("/Users/cloud/Documents/certs/test.key"),
reporters: 'htmlextra',
reporter: {
htmlextra: {
export: '/Users/cloud/Documents/report', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
darkTheme: true, // optional, tells the reporter to use the `Dark Theme` template
title: 'My new report title'
}, function (err) {
if (err) {throw err;}
console.log('collection run 8 complete!');