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Append all stock.move ID's to list from all chain of related records

I have records in the stock.move table that has One2many relation to stock.move.reconcile with column move_to_id which is the ID of another record in stock.move table. So this chain can be thousands of records.

As you can see in my example I loop trough all records and go down tier by tier, but as I said before there could be thousands of linked records so my approach will not work here.

I do know that probably I need to use a while loop here, something like while there is move_to_ids, then I should loop through records and keep adding IDs to list, but I just can't figure it out how to do it.

  • move1(stock.move ID = 10) record that has One2many relation with 2 records inside: move_to_ids (stock.move.reconcile)

  • each of move_to_ids has move_to_id(many2one, 'stock.move' ID = 11)

  • each of this move_to_id(stock.move, ID=11) records have again any number of move_to_ids (stock.move.reconcile) and each of thismove_to_idsrecords havemove_to_id('stock.move', ID=12)` and so on.

So basically I want to add to list all move_to_id IDs 10, 11, 12, etc. to list for all related move_to_ids.

moves_to_recalculate = [10,11,12] and so on until when there is 0 move_to_ids to get move_to_id from.

class StockMove(models.Model):
_name = 'stock.move'

move_to_ids = fields.One2many(
    'stock.move.reconcile', 'move_from_id', string='Move to')

 move_from_ids = fields.One2many(
    'stock.move.reconcile', 'move_to_id', string='Move From'
class StockMoveReconcile(models.Model):
    _name = 'stock.move.reconcile'
    _description = 'Stock Move Reconcile'

    move_to_id = fields.Many2one('stock.move', string='Move To')
    move_from_id = fields.Many2one('stock.move', string='Move From')

def recalculate(self):
    moves = self.browse(('active_ids'))
    moves_to_recalculate = []
    for move1 in moves:
        #I add my first move in chain to list
        #First move have 2 moves_to_ids so i make another loop to add it ID to list
        for second_tier_move in move.move_to_ids:
            # secont tier move has 1 move_to_ids so i do another loop, and add it's ID to list.
            for third_tier_move in second_tier_move.move_to_ids:
                #third_tier_move has another move_to_ids , and so on.


  • I got answer from other resource but I think i need to post it here because the answer is excellent.

    def recalculate_fifo(self):
        moves = self.browse(self._context.get('active_ids'))
        moves_to_recalculate = moves
        current_moves = moves
        while current_moves:
            current_moves = current_moves.mapped('move_to_ids.move_to_id')
            current_moves -= moves_to_recalculate
            moves_to_recalculate |= current_moves