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libpqxx configure cannot find libpq-fe.h for local install of PostgreSQL

I'm in the process of generating a build script on a compute cluster running Red Hat 6.6 Linux with restricted sudo access. Presently I've been creating a local install of PostgreSQL 10.10, from the sources on GitHub. Following the build they are installed at /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres and the $PATH is updated so that pg_config runs and pkg-config libpq --cflags returns


libpqxx is being cloned from the GitHub source, but is getting stuck at configuration with the following error:

configure: using PostgreSQL headers at /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/include
configure: using PostgreSQL libraries at /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/lib
checking /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/include  /libpq-fe.h usability... no
checking /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/include  /libpq-fe.h presence... no
checking for /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/include  /libpq-fe.h... no
configure: error:
Can't find libpq-fe.h in /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/include  .  Are you sure the libpq
headers are installed correctly?  They should be in the directory returned by
"pg_config --includedir" or "pkg-config libpq --cflags".

If you do have libpq (the C-language client library for PostgreSQL) installed,
make sure you have the related development materials--mainly its header files--
as well as the library binary.  Some system distributions keep the two in
seperate packages with names like "alibrary" and "alibrary-dev", respectively.
In that case, make sure you have the latter installed as well.

However, looking in the directory that pkg-config returns I see the following:

[user@compute libpqxx]$ ls -al /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/include | grep libpq
drwxrws---  2 user user_collab  4096 Nov  7 13:35 libpq
-rw-r--r--  1 user user_collab  2211 Nov  7 13:35 libpq-events.h
-rw-r--r--  1 user user_collab 22179 Nov  7 13:35 libpq-fe.h

What could be causing this issue with the file not being found by the configuration script?


  • The error is actually quite obvious from the logs, but subtle as well. As noted in the question, the file exists at the correct path; however, the script has superfluous white-space in it:

    /storage/home/work/build_env/postgres/include  /libpq-fe.h 

    when it should be:


    This is correctable by stripping the whitespace using sed using the pattern sed 's/ *$//g'. This can be done by updating the configure script in situ:

    19006 -  with_postgres_include=$($PKG_CONFIG libpq --cflags | sed 's/^-I//')
    19006 +  with_postgres_include=$($PKG_CONFIG libpq --cflags | sed 's/^-I//' | sed 's/ *$//g')

    This issue has been addressed in the libpqxx repository, so the canonical solution would be to upgrade to the latest version of the source code if the problem is encountered.