I have the following code to get a single closest location:
My data:
let coord1 = CLLocation(latitude: 52.45678, longitude: 13.98765)
let coord2 = CLLocation(latitude: 52.12345, longitude: 13.54321)
let coord3 = CLLocation(latitude: 48.771896, longitude: 2.270748000000026)
closestLocation(locations: [coord1, coord2, coord3], closestToLocation: coord3)
// This calculates closest location giving out 1 point
func closestLocation(locations: [CLLocation], closestToLocation location: CLLocation) -> CLLocation? {
if let closestLocation = locations.min(by: { location.distance(from: $0) < location.distance(from: $1) }) {
print("Closest location: \(closestLocation), \n distance: \(location.distance(from: closestLocation))")
return closestLocation
} else {
print("coordinates is empty")
return nil
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
var userLocation:CLLocation = locations[0]
let long = userLocation.coordinate.longitude;
let lat = userLocation.coordinate.latitude;
userLocation = CLLocation(latitude: lat, longitude: long)
print("My location: \(userLocation)")
How can I calculate, let's say the 2 closest to given a 4th array to compare?
My idea is to get the current location of a user, store it in the DB, and then sort some posts by location. So If I have the user location and the posts location, how can I find the 2 closest to the user?
All you need to do is call sorted(by:)
instead of min(by:)
to sort the array based on the same closure you used to find its minimum, then you can take the first n
elements to get the n
closest coordinates to the user.
extension Array where Element == CLLocation {
func sortedByDistance(to location: CLLocation) -> [CLLocation] {
return sorted(by: { location.distance(from: $0) < location.distance(from: $1) })
let coord1 = CLLocation(latitude: 52.45678, longitude: 13.98765)
let coord2 = CLLocation(latitude: 52.12345, longitude: 13.54321)
let coord3 = CLLocation(latitude: 48.771896, longitude: 2.270748000000026)
let coords = [coord1, coord2, coord3]
let sortedCoordinates = coords.sortedByDistance(to: coord3)
let closestTwoCoordinates = sortedCoordinates.prefix(2)