I'm just beginning to use Typescript in my meteor project. Everything has going well but there are some details that I can not easily correct. One of them is this: whenever I use the word Meteor (Meteor.call, Meteor.subscribe, ...) in my code the compiler complains by saying:
typescript Cannot find name 'Meteor'.
I'm using Atom, with typescript package, and it seems to accept Meteor perfectly.
Of course the message seems to be a warning because the compilation does not stop there and the building process completes, but the message is very annoying.
I installed the Meteor type definitions and can see there is a file in node_modules:
shouldn't the symbol Meteor be defined there?
It seems I'm missing something here, but can't figure out what.
Many thanks for your help and bye ...
Adding an import statement fixes the error:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
// ...
But that introduces another error. Cannot find module 'meteor/meteor'.
, which according to https://github.com/TypeStrong/atom-typescript/issues/1307 is not fixed yet.