I have been using keras.layers.Embedding for almost all of my projects. But, recently I wanted to fiddle around with tf.data and found feature_column.embedding_column.
From the documentation:
feature_column.embedding_column -
that converts from sparse, categorical input.
Use this when your inputs are sparse, but you want to convert them to a dense
representation (e.g., to feed to a DNN).
keras.layers.Embedding - Turns positive integers (indexes) into dense vectors of fixed size.
e.g. [[4], [20]] -> [[0.25, 0.1], [0.6, -0.2]]
This layer can only be used as the first layer in a model.
My question is, is both of the api doing similar thing on different type of input data(for ex. input - [0,1,2] for keras.layers.Embedding and its one-hot-encoded rep. [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1] for feature_column.embedding_column)?
After reviewing source code for both operations here is what I found:
funcitonality;So, your guess seems to be right: these 2 are doing similar things, rely on distinct input representations, contain some logic that doesn't change the essense of what they do.