I am trying to use graphQL to query repositories and their content, but can't figure out how to build a desired query in LinQ. Is there any way I could execute raw GraphQL query avoiding the LinQ syntax?
My functional GraphQL query looks like this:
repositoryOwner(login: "userLogin") {
repositories(first: 99) {
nodes {
rootFolder: object(expression: "master:") {
... on Tree {
entries {
object {
... on Blob {
Using the LinQ syntax I got to this point:
var query = new Query()
.Repositories(first: 99)
.Nodes.Select(repo => new
var result = await connection.Run(query);
And I can't find a way to implement those ... on Blob selectors
The answer from Cyril Durand works, but unfortunately doesn't use the Octokit.net client, therefore you can't parse the result to classes included in mentioned library. What you can do, is to create custom classes to exactly fit the json result.
First you query the data.
var result = await Connection.PostQueryAsync(@"{
user(login: """ + userName + @""") {
Then make it a JSON string. (requires Newtonsoft.Json library)
string JsonString = result.Data.user.ToString(Formatting.None);
and you use json2csharp converter which creates the exact class with attributes from your JSON string.
For this query the generated class looks like this
class User
public string login { get; set; }
public string avatarUrl { get; set; }
And now you can work with your data.
This approach is not the best, but solved majority of my problems with the querying, therefore I mark it as the right answer. If you have an idea for a better solution (perhaps one where you can actually use the octokit library), feel free to answer :)
You can use the GraphQl.Client
nuget package and use raw graphql query :
var client = new GraphQLClient("https://api.github.com/graphql");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"bearer {token}");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", userLogin );
var result = await client.PostQueryAsync(@"{
repositoryOwner(login: """ + userLogin + @""") {
repositories(first: 99) {
nodes {
rootFolder: object(expression: ""master:"") {
... on Tree {
entries {
object {
... on Blob {
and then access the result with something like that :
var size = result.Data.repositoryOwner.repositories.nodes[0].rootFolder.entries[0][email protected];