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Shortest Path between capitals passing through other capitals

I am trying to develop some code for a college work and I have an algorithm that gives me the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. Please note that the nodes are Countries that have a capital.

Can anyone explain me how I can develop something that gives me the shortest path from country A to country B passing trough a list of capitals (countries)?

I have implemented a method that gives me the distance between two geographical points as well.

My initial thought was to order the list of capitals based on their distance to the country A and then sum all the distances of the shortest path between country A and the first of the list, then the first of the list and the third of the list and so on. Apparentely this is not correct.

    public double shortestPathCapitals2(List<String> capitais, Pais pOrig, Pais pDest) {
    double dist = 0;
    LinkedList<Pais> shortPath = new LinkedList<Pais>();
    LinkedList<String> temp = new LinkedList<>(capitais);


    Collections.sort(temp, (c1, c2) -> (int) (distance(pOrig, shortestPathCapitals2(c2)) - distance(pOrig, obterPaisPorCapital(c1))));

    for (int i = 0; i < temp.size() - 1; i++) {
        Pais p1 = obterPaisPorCapital(temp.get(i));
        Pais p2 = obterPaisPorCapital(temp.get(i + 1));
        dist += shortestPath(p1, p2, shortPath);

    return dist;

Thank you.


  • problem description:

    Given a graph with vertices V and edges E. We want to find a path P between Va and Vb such that:

    • the path contains {V0, V1, ..} (some subset of V)
    • the sum of weights on edges in P is minimal


    function findPath(startVertex, endVertex, verticesToBeVisited, currentPath)
        // check if we have reached the destination
        if startVertex == endVertex:
               * there are multiple ways of reaching the destination
               * calculate the length of the past (also called the cost)
               * if the cost is lower than the current minimum, store the path
              cost = calculateCost(currentPath)
              if cost  < currentMinCost:
                  currentMinCost = cost
                  currentMinPath = currentPath            
             * if we have not reached the destination
             * we need to try all possible next hops
             * this algorithm uses recursion to do so
            for every vertex Vn that is a neighbour of startVertex:
                 * this check prevents us from going
                 * Paris --> Rome --> Paris --> Rome (endlessly)
                if currentPath contains Vn:
                // add the next hop to our path
                currentPath += Vn
                // if this vertex needed to be visit, cross it out in the list
                if verticesToBeVisited contains Vn:
                    verticesToBeVisited -= Vn
                // recursion
                findPath(Vn, endVertex, verticesToBeVisited, currentPath)
                // clean up
                if verticesToBeVisited contained Vn:
                    verticesToBeVisited += Vn
                currentPath -= Vn