I'm struggling to find a solution for LAB project I'm working on right now. I'd like to use csv file to populate variables in my playbook when configuring Cisco ACI. I'm using read_csv module and the latest Ansible 2.9
Sample CSV:
UPDATE - based on Sai's code I'm not far from reaching the objective. This is the full tasks code.
UPDATE2 - eventually I went back to the read_csv module. It works nice even for complex things. Hope it helps someone as an example.
- name: Read tenant from CSV file and return a list
path: "{{ filename }}"
delimiter: ;
register: tenantconfig
- name: TASK 1 - BUILD tenant
<<: *aci_login
validate_certs: no
use_ssl: yes
tenant: "{{ item.tenant }}"
description: "{{ item.tenant }} creation as per {{ filename }} source file"
state: present
with_items: "{{ tenantconfig.list }}"
- name: TASK 2 - BUILD Routing {{ vrf }} for {{ tenant }} on {{ apic_host }}
<<: *aci_login
state: present
validate_certs: no
use_ssl: yes
tenant: "{{ item.tenant }}"
vrf: "{{ item.vrf }}"
description: "{{ item.vrf }}"
with_items: "{{ tenantconfig.list }}"
i have changed answer to dynamically process your input file and assign tenant,vrf fields where ever you want to call.
- name: split fields
command: /usr/bin/awk -F';' '!/^#/ && !/^$/ { print $1 }' tenant1.csv
register: tenants_out
#- debug:
# msg: "{{ lookup('csvfile', item + ' file=tenant1.csv delimiter=; col=0') }}"
# with_items: "{{ tenants_out.stdout_lines }}"
- name: TASK 1 - BUILD tenant
state: present
tenant: "{{ lookup('csvfile', item + ' file=tenant1.csv delimiter=; col=0') }}"
vrf: "{{ lookup('csvfile', item + ' file=tenant1.csv delimiter=; col=1') }}"
with_items: "{{ tenants_out.stdout_lines }}"
input file lines are spitted using initial task, and you can direct specify required tenent, vrf values using "with_items" looping. this is useful if your input file has multiple lines as well.