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Distribution plot with wrong total value

To create enter image description here I have made a distribution plot with code below:

from numpy import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sigma = 4.1

x = np.linspace(-6*sigma, 6*sigma, 200)

def distr(n):
    def g(x):
        return (1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-0.5*(x/sigma)**2)
    FxSum = 0
    a = list()
    for i in range(n):
        # divide into 200 parts and sum one by one
        numb = g(-6*sigma + (12*sigma*i)/n)
        FxSum += numb
    return a

plt.plot(x, distr(len(x)))

enter image description here

This is, of course, a way of getting the result without using hist(), cdf() or any other options from Python libraries.

Why the total sum is not 1? It shouldn't depend from (for example) sigma.


  • Almost right, but in order to integrate you have to multiply the function value g(x) times your tiny interval dx (12*sigma/200). That's the area you sum up:

    from numpy import *
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    sigma = 4.1
    x = np.linspace(-6*sigma, 6*sigma, 200)
    def distr(n):
        def g(x):
            return (1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-0.5*(x/sigma)**2)
        FxSum = 0
        a = list()
        for i in range(n):
            # divide into 200 parts and sum one by one
            numb = g(-6*sigma + (12*sigma*i)/n) * (12*sigma/200)
            FxSum += numb
        return a
    plt.plot(x, distr(len(x)))