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Is there a way to enable/disable Intellij IdeaVim plugin using keyboard shortcut?

I am using IdeaVim in Intellij as I can't really get over modular editing. But there are times when I just want it completely disabled (like when a coworker shows me something on my computer).

I know it can be disabled through the plugin manager by unchecking the enabled box, but this does not really cut it for me in many cases as it is too slow and disruptive for quick.

What would be nice to have is to make some keyboard shortcut to disable and enable the plugin so that I can easily switch between the modes. Is there a way to do this so that I don't have to restart Intellij for the changes to apply?

(Keeping vim in insert mode would not work in my case as it jumps to command mode at times for no reason)


  • Vim plugin can be disabled via Tools | Vim. There was an assigned shortcut, but it conflicted with some of IDE shortcuts and it was removed. You can assign your own shortcut using regular IDE mapping.

    enter image description here