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How to differentiate between null and non existing data in JSON in Asp.Net Core model binding?

I want to differentiate between these two json inputs in an action in Asp.Net Core:

  "field1": null,
  "field2": null


  "field1": null,

I have an ordinary class like this in C#:

public class MyData
   public string Field1 { get; set;}
   public string Field2 { get; set;}

I want to run a partial update of an object that can accept null as the value, but when the field will not be in the input it means I don't want to update this field at all (something else from setting it to null).


  • This is what I ended up doing, as all other options seem to be too complicated (e.g. jsonpatch, model binding) or would not give the flexibility I want.

    This solution means there is a bit of a boilerplate to write for each property, but not too much:

    public class UpdateRequest : PatchRequest
        public string Name
           get => _name;
           set { _name = value; SetHasProperty(nameof(Name)); }
    public abstract class PatchRequest
        private readonly HashSet<string> _properties = new HashSet<string>();
        public bool HasProperty(string propertyName) => _properties.Contains(propertyName);
        protected void SetHasProperty(string propertyName) => _properties.Add(propertyName);

    The value can then be read like this:

    if (request.HasProperty(nameof(request.Name)) { /* do something with request.Name */ }

    and this is how it can be validated with a custom attribute:

    var patchRequest = (PatchRequest) validationContext.ObjectInstance;
    if (patchRequest.HasProperty(validationContext.MemberName) {/* do validation*/}