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I need a batch file which can start print test page from default printer

I want to create a batch file that can perform a print test page on execute. Problem is that I can't use code which I already have for any printer as far as it is set as default.

I have the following code which can run print test page command, but it only works if you will type in it name of the default printer.

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /k /n"Adobe PDF"

I was wondering if there is some sort of solution to connect the following two codes with if-else statements.

This code can print a test page -

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /k /n"Adobe PDF"

This code can check default printer -

wmic printer get name,default

Is there a way to create a batch file that can set the default printer name as a variable and use this variable in the second code to execute a print test page on the default printer all the time?


  • I did manage to do it with the following batch file:

    RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%printer_name%"
    start /min notepad /P "\\fs\FIle Share\SA Support\ZverTools\printtestpage.txt"