I am trying to create a state for existing work item.
For Get, the url will show the list of States under Bug.
But am facing an issue when I do Post with json.
{"name": "Test-Status", "color": "007acc", "stateCategory": "InProgress", "order": 3 }
Below is the error details
Http - 404 - NotFound
{ "$id": "1", "innerException": null, "message": "VS402805: Cannot find work item type with reference name 'Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug' in process named 'dcdcc713-ebc6-4940-aa9d-d6c9d3e00e39'.", "typeName": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.Metadata.ProcessWorkItemTypeDoesNotExistException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server", "typeKey": "ProcessWorkItemTypeDoesNotExistException", "errorCode": 0, "eventId": 3200 }
Any help regarding this is appreciated.
The problem should be:Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug
. I think you need use the format like processName.typeName
. In addition the original process cannot be customized , only the inherited process can be customized.