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How to build an HttpInterceptor Service in Angular Dart?

I am trying to port the code of an Angular 2 app to Angular Dart, so that I can reuse the business logic in Flutter. My app makes use of HttpInterceptors for Error handling and server authorization.

In typescript I would inject a simple service :

  providedIn: 'root'
export class InterceptorService implements HttpInterceptor {
  intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
  constructor(private auth: AuthService) { }
     req: HttpRequest<any>,
     next: HttpHandler
   ): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {}

But the Dart API does not seem to have an HttpInterceptor class. Does one have to extend the HttpClient class in order to do so ?

I have looked at this S.O question but it dates back from 5 years ago, the way to do it has probably changed quite a bit in the meantime.


  • Turns out there are a couple ways you can achieve this in Angular Dart / Flutter.

    Some third party libraries built on top of dart http provide convenience methods for Http interception (DIO, Http Interceptor). However, both handle interception at the client level.

    I decided to go with the Dart Http library, using the recommended method :

    class UserAgentClient extends http.BaseClient {
      final String userAgent;
      final http.Client _inner;
      UserAgentClient(this.userAgent, this._inner);
      Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) {
        request.headers['user-agent'] = userAgent;
        return _inner.send(request);