I have a fragment that I define a NavHostFragment inside it like this:
when trying to call findNavController method in the fragment it threw an illegal state exception and says that my view group doesn't have a NavController.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: View androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView{1dd5506 VFED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0} does not have a NavController set
So my question is: can I define a NavHostFragment inside another fragment? or suitable for activity only? I have searched a lot to find can I define a nav host fragment inside another fragment but I didn't find any answers.
I have found a solution for this exception, the findNavController() throws this exception when trying to call this method within a fragment that is not NavHostFragment or not within NavHostFragment so I made this mistake by calling this method in my fragment.
So I have to find the controller by myself using Navigation class
Navigation.findNavController(activity, R.id.my_nav_host_fragment)
this is how to find the NavHostFragment (NavController) defined within a fragment
I made an extension function for Fragment class so I can be easily find the nav controller using id
fun Fragment.getFragmentNavController(@IdRes id: Int) = activity?.let {
return@let Navigation.findNavController(it, id)