I am new to Laravel and working on existing code.
I want to pass some values in url in format of URL/val1/val2/val3.
Every thing is working perfect if all values with normal string or number
but if any value has special character like slash / or \ it shows errors.
eg. working :- URL/abc/pqr/xys
but if val3 = 22/06 ;url is URL/val1/val2/22/06 error shows 404 not found
If I encoded val3 using javaScript's function encodeURIComponent()
val3=22%2F06 and url become URL/val1/val2/22%2F06 shows Object not found!
// My current route web.php is:-
Route::get('/export/{name}/{status}/{search}', 'ReportController@export')->name('export');
Route::get('view/{slashData?}', 'ExampleController@getData')
->where('slashData', '(.*)');