How can I calculate the merkle root of a hyperledger fabric? I have a hard time finding merkle root in Fabric.
The block header contains number , prefix_hash , data_hash . Are any of the above three related data related to the merkle root?
Or can I calculate a merkle root manually?
I have hashed the data I used when I submitted the data to the ledger. But it is could not be found in the block header...
How can I calculate the merkle root of a hyperledger fabric?
Hyperledger Fabric does not track a hash of world state in the block headers. Instead, the hash-chain is formed over the block contents.
The two fields you will find in the block header are the data_hash
and the previous_block_hash
The data_hash
is a hash over the concatenation of the bytes of the transactions in the data section of the block.
The previous_block_hash
is the hash of the header of the previous block. The hash of the block header is computed by converting the contents to ASN1, then hashing a marshaled representation.
You can see specifically how the Fabric components implementing their hashing here: