I have a game in Phaser. When an arrow is in the game is fired, it is pushed to an array. The arrow hits a target, and the target moves back before the next arrow is fired. If that doesn't make sense, the arrows that are already stuck to the target, need to move with the target when it moves.
I have tried just moving the array's x value, and tried looping through the array. I have also tried just moving the this.arrows
function update ()
//Declare constants for movement
const arrowMoveAmt = 1500;
//Rotation of the player
if (this.cursors.up.isDown && this.player.angle > -45) {
this.player.angle -= angleModifier;}
if (this.cursors.down.isDown && this.player.angle < 0) {
this.player.angle += angleModifier;}
//Shooting with the spacebar
if (Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.spacebar)) {
//Animate the shooting
this.player.anims.play('shoot', true);
//Arrow shooting
let arrow = this.physics.add.sprite(this.player.x, (this.player.y + 20), 'arrow');
//Make sure the arrow has a hitbox
arrow.enableBody = true;
//Let the arrow move
arrow.body.immovable = false;
//Edit arrow hitbox
arrow.setSize(50, 15).setOffset(5, 50);
arrow.setGravityY(3600); //Gravity will affect the arrows
//Arrow speeds
arrow.setVelocityY((this.player.angle * 50));
this.arrows.push(arrow); //Add arrow to the array created earlier
this.arrowSound.play(); //Play the sound
//Reset the angle modifier for added difficulty
angleModifier = (Math.random() + .1) * 2;
else if(target.body.touching.left) {
//Variable for loop
let i = 0;
//Set initial position of new medals
let firstMedalX = 180;
//Loop to create multiple arrows
while (i < this.arrows.length) {
newArrows = this.arrows[i];
//Add 30 to the new medal's x position
firstMedalX += 40;
//Increment for every arrow shot
//Reset the player angle for difficulty
this.player.angle = 0;
//Move the target
var x = target.x;
target.x += 10;
var x2 = target.x;
var arrowMove = x2 - x;
newArrows.x = newArrows.x + arrowMove;
console.log("Target X = " + target.x);
console.log("Arrows X = " + newArrows.x);
//Call the function to determine medal and pass the variable
if(this.arrows.length <= 5) {
//Only track the first five arrows
//Function to decide medal, and where it goes
getMedal = (value) => {
//Gold medal
if (410 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 435) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'gold_medal');
score += 5;
//Silver medal
else if (395 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 450) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'silver_medal');
score += 3;
//Bronze medal
else if (380 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 460) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'bronze_medal');
score += 1;
else {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'no_medal');
//Set the scoreboard to the new score
scoreBoard.setText('SCORE: ' + score);
I have found a solution:
loop.//Move the target
var x = target.x;
target.x += 10;
var x2 = target.x;
var arrowMove = x2 - x;
newArrows.x = newArrows.x + arrowMove;
console.log("Target X = " + target.x);
console.log("Arrows X = " + newArrows.x);
newArrows.x += 10;
in the while
loop after the this.player.angle = 0
loop's closing bracket, add this code://Move the target
target.x += 10;
For your reference, the full code snippet of the update()
function update ()
//Declare constants for movement
const arrowMoveAmt = 1500;
//Rotation of the player
if (this.cursors.up.isDown && this.player.angle > -45) {
this.player.angle -= angleModifier;}
if (this.cursors.down.isDown && this.player.angle < 0) {
this.player.angle += angleModifier;}
//Shooting with the spacebar
if (Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.spacebar)) {
//Animate the shooting
this.player.anims.play('shoot', true);
//Arrow shooting
let arrow = this.physics.add.sprite(this.player.x, (this.player.y + 20), 'arrow');
//Make sure the arrow has a hitbox
arrow.enableBody = true;
//Let the arrow move
arrow.body.immovable = false;
//Edit arrow hitbox
arrow.setSize(50, 15).setOffset(5, 50);
arrow.setGravityY(3600); //Gravity will affect the arrows
//Arrow speeds
arrow.setVelocityY((this.player.angle * 50));
this.arrows.push(arrow); //Add arrow to the array created earlier
this.arrowSound.play(); //Play the sound
//Reset the angle modifier for added difficulty
angleModifier = (Math.random() + .1) * 2;
else if(target.body.touching.left) {
//Variable for loop
let i = 0;
//Set initial position of new medals
let firstMedalX = 180;
//Loop to create multiple arrows
while (i < this.arrows.length) {
newArrows = this.arrows[i];
//Add 30 to the new medal's x position
firstMedalX += 40;
//Increment for every arrow shot
//Reset the player angle for difficulty
this.player.angle = 0;
// Move the arrows
newArrows.x += 10
//Move the target
target.x += 10;
//Call the function to determine medal and pass the variable
if(this.arrows.length <= 5) {
//Only track the first five arrows
//Function to decide medal, and where it goes
getMedal = (value) => {
//Gold medal
if (410 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 435) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'gold_medal');
score += 5;
//Silver medal
else if (395 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 450) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'silver_medal');
score += 3;
//Bronze medal
else if (380 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 460) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'bronze_medal');
score += 1;
else {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'no_medal');
//Set the scoreboard to the new score
scoreBoard.setText('SCORE: ' + score);