I'm still new to Razor pages and view components, but have been around the block a few times with ASP.NET.
I'm not sure why my view component doesn't have its model populated. One thing I noticed I had done incorrectly is putting a route parameter at the top; e.g.,
@page "{handler?}"
I know (now at least) that View Components are not intended to be routed to directly as endpoints, but now I'm curious what does using a @page
with a route attribute do to prevent the model binding from happening? I only discovered by trial/error that removing this lets my model get populated within the View Component.
Here is the code
public class TestViewComponent : ViewComponent
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(Data.CustomerListModel cust)
List<Data.CustomerListModel> clist = new List<Data.CustomerListModel>();
clist.Add(new Data.CustomerListModel() { Customer = "fred" });
clist.Add(new Data.CustomerListModel() { Customer = "wilma" });
var dlist = clist.AsEnumerable();
return View(dlist);
View for ViewComponent, Default.html
@page "{handler?}"
@using System.Collections.Generic
@addTagHelper *, TelerikAspnetCoreApp1
@model IEnumerable<Data.CustomerListModel>
<h3>Machine name @Environment.MachineName</h3>
@foreach (Data.CustomerListModel c in Model)
namespace TelerikAspNetCoreApp1.Data
public class CustomerListModel
public string Customer { get; set; }
Parent view, Index.cshtml
@await Component.InvokeAsync("Test",new { Name = "tester123" })
The view of ViewComponent looks a lot like a Razor view file used in an ASP.NET Core app with controllers and views. Then @page
directive is used in Razor page and it makes the file into an MVC action - which means that it handles requests directly, without going through a controller. @page
affects the behavior of other Razor constructs.
You could take aside time to read the MS documentations on the View Component and Razor Pages :