I need to form a new sequence of numbers by replacing every data value, starting with the 4th entry and ending with the 4th from the last entry, with a weighted average of the seven points around it, using the following formula:
(y[i-3] + 2y[i-2] + 3y[i-1] + 3y[i] + 3y[i+1] + 2y[i+2] + y[i+3]) // 15
(NOTE. The i- or i+ some number is a subscript in case that wasn't apparent.)
Here is the code I have which produces a raw graph, but I need to smooth a new graph with the above formula. The data file produces an array of integers set up as [-24, 4, -4, -12, -52...]
. I am not even sure where to begin with the formula any help would be appreciated.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
with open('2_Record2308.dat', 'r') as f:
data = [int(x) for x in f]
graph = data
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
This code should do the trick:
avg = [(sum(y) + sum(y[1:-1]) + sum(y[2:-2])) // 15
for y in zip(data[:-6], data[1:-5], data[2:-4], data[3:-3], data[4:-2], data[5:-1], data[6:])]
Here zip(data[:-6], data[1:-5], ...)
creates the successive 7-tuples.
And sum(y)
takes the 7 numbers each once. sum(y[1:-1])
takes the 5 inner numbers once again. sum(y[2:-2])
takes the 3 inner numbers a third time.
By the way, adding 7 before dividing by 15 would be closer to averaging. In the original formulation the average always gets rounded downwards.
So, I would suggest (sum(y) + sum(y[1:-1]) + sum(y[2:-2]) + 7) // 15
Here is a test based on your code and random-walk data.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
def do_averaging_7(data):
return [(sum(y) + sum(y[1:-1]) + sum(y[2:-2]) + 7) // 15
for y in zip(data[:-6], data[1:-5], data[2:-4], data[3:-3], data[4:-2], data[5:-1], data[6:])]
data = [random.randrange(-100,101) for _ in range(100)]
for i in range(1,len(data)):
data[i] += data[i-1]
avg = do_averaging_7(data)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(range(len(data)), data, "blue")
ax.plot(range(3, 3+len(avg)), avg, color="red")