I used python 3 and pandas to parse the daily close from WSJ into EXCEL. However, the daily close shown on the web page screen cannot be extracted. Here is the link: "https://quotes.wsj.com/index/COMP/historical-prices" How to download the close data on screen into excel? and how to download "DOWNLOAD A SPREADSHEET" button file into excel with another name like comp.xlxs ?
Here are the codes:
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = 'https://quotes.wsj.com/index/COMP/historical-prices'
jsonData = requests.get(url).json()
final_df = pd.DataFrame()
for row in jsonData['data']:
#row = jsonData['data'][1]
data_row = []
for idx, colspan in enumerate(row['colspan']):
colspan_int = int(colspan[0])
data_row.append(row['td'][idx] * colspan_int)
flat_list = [item for sublist in data_row for item in sublist]
temp_row = pd.DataFrame([flat_list])
final_df = final_df.append(temp_row, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)
wait2 = input("PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE.")
Follow UP question quotes:
url = 'https://quotes.wsj.com/index/HK/XHKG/HSI/historical-prices/download?num_rows=15&range_days=15&endDate=12/06/2019'
response = requests.get(url)
open('HSI.csv', 'wb').write(response.content)
read_file = pd.read_csv (r'C:\A-CEO\REPORTS\STOCKS\PROFILE\Python\HSI.csv')
read_file.to_excel (r'C:\A-CEO\REPORTS\STOCKS\PROFILE\Python\HSI.xlsx', index = None, header=True)
url = 'https://quotes.wsj.com/index/SPX/historical-prices/download?num_rows=15&range_days=15&endDate=12/06/2019'
response = requests.get(url)
open('SPX.csv', 'wb').write(response.content)
read_file = pd.read_csv (r'C:\A-CEO\REPORTS\STOCKS\PROFILE\Python\SPX.csv')
read_file.to_excel (r'C:\A-CEO\REPORTS\STOCKS\PROFILE\Python\SPX.xlsx', index = None, header=True)
url = 'https://quotes.wsj.com/index/COMP/historical-prices/download?num_rows=15&range_days=15&endDate=12/06/2019'
response = requests.get(url)
open('COMP.csv', 'wb').write(response.content)
read_file = pd.read_csv (r'C:\A-CEO\REPORTS\STOCKS\PROFILE\Python\COMP.csv')
read_file.to_excel (r'C:\A-CEO\REPORTS\STOCKS\PROFILE\Python\COMP.xlsx', index = None, header=True)
the URL is wrong; once downloaded you can do "Get Info" if on a Mac, and you'll see "Where From:". You will see it's of the form below.
import requests
import pandas as pd
import io
#original URL had a bunch of other parameters I omitted, only these seem to matter but YMMV
url = 'https://quotes.wsj.com/index/COMP/historical-prices/download?num_rows=360&range_days=360&endDate=11/06/2019'
response = requests.get(url)
#do this if you want the CSV written to your machine
open('test_file.csv', 'wb').write(response.content)
# this decodes the content of the downloaded response and presents it to pandas
df_test = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(response.content.decode('utf-8')))
To answer your additional question -- you can simply loop across a list of tickers or symbols, something like:
base_url = 'https://quotes.wsj.com/index/{ticker_name}/historical-prices/download?num_rows=360&range_days=360&endDate=11/06/2019'
ticker_list = ['COMP','SPX','HK/XHKG/HSI']
for ticker in ticker_list:
response = requests.get(base_url.format(ticker_name = ticker))
#do this if you want the CSV written to your machine
open('prices_'+ticker.replace('/','-')+'.csv', 'wb').write(response.content)
Note for HK/XHKG/HSI, we need to replace the slashes with hyphens or it's not a valid filename. You can also use this pattern to make dataframes.