Could somebody help poor developer with upgrading to Dita 1.3 :)
I need to make dita-ot work with newer version of xml's I was given (example below). I need to adjust something in the library but I don't have any clue where to start. I've replaced the problematic bit just for example - //FOOBAR/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//FOOBAR//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "file:///D:/InfoShare/Web/Author/ASP/DocTypes/dita-sdl/1.3/dtd/technicalContent/dtd/sdlConcept.dtd">
<?ish ishref="GUID-874B737D-F63A-48C3-887A-571C38D5ED5A" version="1" lang="en-us"?>
<concept xml:lang="en-us" id="xs_help_me_contextually_please" rev="for Desktop" product="Foobar product">
<title id="GUID-F92ED443-BE97-44C7-AB36-726B2A76ECF9">New DITA declaration topic without any new elements</title>
<shortdesc id="GUID-8D7A677D-6782-4A65-96B4-F7F4B3CB5CCD">
<ph>Short description of the topic.</ph>
Content area
<indexterm id="GUID-32379B47-E4F9-4E00-A8A7-383584241D88">indexterm</indexterm>
<p id="GUID-A2466389-DC06-4052-A0EE-8684F3C3D7D3">
<ph>Text here.</ph>
If I change FOOBAR TO OASIS, then it seems to work - at least it does not give any error. The command that I'm running is:
dita -i=/app/dita/in/foobar.ditamap -f=xhtml -o=/app/dita/out
The error it gives:
[gen-list] [DOTJ079E][ERROR] File 'file:/app/dita/in/xs_help_me_contextually_please.xml' could not be loaded. Ensure that grammar files for this document type are referenced and installed properly. Cannot load file: /D:/InfoShare/Web/Author/ASP/DocTypes/dita-sdl/1.3/dtd/technicalContent/dtd/sdlConcept.dtd (No such file or directory)
[move-meta] I/O error reported by XML parser processing file:/tmp/temp20191106165059386/in/xs_help_me_contextually_please.xml: /tmp/temp20191106165059386/in/xs_help_me_contextually_please.xml (No such file or directory)
[move-meta] file:/app/dita/in/foobar.ditamap:3:327: [DOTX026W][WARN]: Unable to retrieve linktext from target: 'xs_help_me_contextually_please.xml'. Using navigation title as fallback.
Also I should add the technicalContent/dtd/sdlConcept.dtd (that I was also given) somewhere in the library but not sure where. Tried to put it in plugins/org.oasis-open.dita.v1_3 and thought it works but when removing the file and having //OAOSIS/ in the source xml, then it didn't give out any error either.
How can it all work if the path is file:///D:/InfoShare/Web/Author/ASP/Doc... that does not exist in the system where the import happens (Docker container). Is it just informational?
Very confused of all of this.
Thank you in advance!
It's hard to help you given what you have provided, but I can add some clarifying information:
Hope this helps a little; you also might have better luck posting on the dita-users list at Yahoo!
Best, Kris