I have query that should update columns only if argument is equal 1. Here is example:
<cfquery name="updateQry" datasource="test">
SET fname = form.fname,
lname = form.lname,
<cfif form.status eq 1>
title = form.title,
last_update_dt = getDate()
WHERE rec_id = form.record_id
I would like to move this SQL query to stored procedure. How I can achive the same process with SQL code only? Instead of <cfif form.status eq 1> title = @title,</cfif>
how that can be replaced with SQL code? I use Sybase database and ColdFusion 2016. This code above should be moved to stored procedure.
I think you want a case
expression, something like this:
SET fname = form.fname,
lname = form.lname,
title = (case when form.status = 1 then form.title else table1.title end),
last_update_dt = getDate()
WHERE rec_id = form.record_id;
In a stored procedure, you would probably use parameters:
SET fname = @fname,
lname = @lname,
title = (case when @status = 1 then @title else table1.title end),
last_update_dt = getDate()
WHERE rec_id = #record_id;