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Vectorizing Pairwise Column Element-wise Product in NumPy

I have two DataFrames:

>>> d1

    A  B
0   4  3
1   5  2
2   4  3

>>> d2

    C  D  E
0   1  4  7
1   2  5  8
2   3  6  9

>>> what_I_want

    AC  AD  AE  BC  BD  BE
0   4   16  28  3   12  21
1   10  25  40  4   10  16
2   12  24  36  9   18  27

Two DataFrames have the same number of rows (say m), but different number of columns (say ncol_1, ncol_2). The output is a m by (ncol_1 * ncol_2) DataFrame. Each column is the product of the one column in d1 and one column in d2.

I have come across np.kron but it does not do quite what I want. My actual data has millions of rows.

I am wondering if there is any vectorized way of doing this? I currently have a itertools.product implementation but the speed is excruciatingly slow.


  • One with NumPy-broadcasting -

    a = d1.to_numpy(copy=False) # d1.values on older pandas versions
    b = d2.to_numpy(copy=False)
    df_out = pd.DataFrame((a[:,:,None]*b[:,None,:]).reshape(len(a),-1))
    df_out.columns = [i+j for i in d1.columns for j in d2.columns]

    For large data, leverage multi-cores with numexpr -

    import numexpr as ne
    out = ne.evaluate('a3D*b3D',{'a3D':a[:,:,None],'b3D':b[:,None]}).reshape(len(a),-1)
    df_out = pd.DataFrame(out)