I want to add a string to the result of my query in mysql.
I tried this code:
mensaje = input ("introduzca el sms que desea enviar: ")
cursorsql1 = conectar.cursor()
sql = "select msisdn, '(mensaje)'VALUES(%s) as mensaje from perfiles where tarifa not like '%Iot%' and transparent_properties not like '%Momo%' and state like '%active%' and msisdn like '56943404789' and created_at between subdate(current_date, 1) and current_date".format(mensaje, values)
columnas = cursorsql1.fetchall()
the error is this
mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Parameters for query must be list or tuple.
i want the results looks like this
| 56953404789 | some message |
Any idea what is happening to cause my error?
Thanks in advance for any help
EDIT: Provided the injection safe method:
Use the sql CONCAT function:
sql = "SELECT CONCAT(msisdn, ?) AS mensaje FROM perfiles"
cursorsql1.execute(sql, (mensaje,))
Note that on sqlite there is no CONCAT function, instead use the || operator:
"SELECT msisdn || ? AS mensaje FROM perfiles"