I have two routes that require Angular canActivate: [AuthGuard]
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: '/home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
path: 'projects',
children: [
{ path: '', component: ProjectsComponent , canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
{ path: 'sjcl', component: HashgenComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
{ path: 'login', component: LoginComponent },
{ path: '**', redirectTo: '/home', pathMatch: 'full' }
As you can see if a user is not logged in he is redirected to /login
route which by my AuthGuard
if (this.auth.isLoggedIn) { return true; }
return this.auth.currentUserObservable.pipe(
map(user => {
console.log('user: ', user);
return !!user
tap(loggedIn => {
console.log("loggedIn: ", loggedIn);
if (!loggedIn) {
console.log("access denied");
this.router.navigate(['login'], { queryParams: { returnUrl: state.url } });
And my login
component is as follows,
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from 'src/app/services/auth.service';
import { AngularFireAuth } from '@angular/fire/auth';
import { FirebaseUISignInSuccessWithAuthResult, FirebaseUISignInFailure } from 'firebaseui-angular';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
selector: 'app-login',
templateUrl: './login.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./login.component.scss']
export class LoginComponent implements OnInit {
returnUrl: string;
public auth: AuthService,
private router: Router,
private route: ActivatedRoute,
public afAuth: AngularFireAuth) {
this.returnUrl = this.route.snapshot.queryParams['returnUrl'] || '/';
console.log("yes i am here");
ngOnInit() {}
successCallback(signInSuccessData: FirebaseUISignInSuccessWithAuthResult) {
console.log("Logged in!"+this.returnUrl);
errorCallback(errorData: FirebaseUISignInFailure) {
console.log("Login failure!");
Now, everything is working fine and well except for one thing. Assume
and click on /projects
and login, i am being redirected to /projects
after login. (No problem here)/home
and click on /projects/sjcl
and login, i am being redirected to /projects/sjcl
after login. (No problem here)/home
and click on /projects
and then click on /projects/sjcl
and login, i am being redirected to /projects
after login, whereas i should've been redirected to /projects/sjcl
(Problem here)The thing is,
this.returnUrl = this.route.snapshot.queryParams['returnUrl'] || '/';
console.log("yes i am here");
is not being called if LoginComponent is already loaded and being called again from another Authguard
. I tried using different lifecycles and even placed it on constructor still no help.
How should above snippet be called everytime LoginComponent is loaded?
Dont use route snapshot
but rather listen to route change. Router
have event for that that you can subscribe to. Update your "return" URL accordingly.