I am extracting name and values of each element in HTML
. For style attribute able to extract only property names not values.
My code is given below:
var elementHandles = await page.QuerySelectorAllAsync("a");
foreach (var handle in elementHandles)
var elementStyle = await handle.GetPropertyAsync("style");
var style = await elementStyle.JsonValueAsync();
var output = style.ToString();
This is my output:
"0": "font-family",
"1": "font-size",
"2": "line-height",
"3": "color",
"4": "text-align"
This is what I am expecting:
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 16px;
color: #999999;
text-align: left
The problem is how the CSSStyleDeclaration
is serialized. If that´s how Chromium decides to serialize that object there is nothing we can do there.
But, we can try to solve that from javascript using EvaluateFunctionAsync
foreach (var handle in elementHandles)
var style = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Dictionary<string, string>>(
"e => Object.entries(e.style).filter(i => isNaN(i[0]) && i[1]).map(i => { return { [i[0]] : i[1]}}).reduce((acc, cur) => { return {...acc, ...cur}}, {})", handle);
var output = style.ToString();
Let's take a look at the javascript expression
e=> //We send the HTML element instead of the style property
Object.entries(e.style) //We get all the property/value pairs from the CSSStyleDeclaration object
// We want to exclude number properties (like 0,1,2) and empty values
.filter(i => isNaN(i[0]) && i[1])
//We turn them into objects
.map(i => { return { [i[0]] : i[1]}})
//We merge them into one single object that will be returned to C#
.reduce((acc, cur) => { return {...acc, ...cur}}, {})