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How to move 2 cols 1 row into 1 col 2 rows in Oracle

I have a query which I cannot seem to get right. I want to change the result set so it is 1 column and can be N number of rows.

Original query

select src_approval, dst_approval
from example_table
where id = 62615
group by src_approval, dst_approval

I tried the following which is not correct.

select src_approval, dst_approval
from example_table
( colvalue for col in (src_approval, dst_approval) )
where id = 62615
group by src_approval, dst_approval

I tried the following which still returns 2 columns:

select *
    (select src_approval, dst_approval
     from example_table
     where id= 62615
     group by src_approval, dst_approval)
         for income_component_type in (src_approval, dst_approval)


select *
from   ( 
select src_approval, dst_approval
from e_p
where exemption_id = 62615
group by src_approval, dst_approval
       ( owner
         for approval in (src_approval, dst_approval)


  • Yes, you can still use unpivot as

    select colvalue from 
    select id, colvalue, col
      from example_table   
      unpivot(colvalue for col in(src_approval,dst_approval))
    where id = 62615
