I want to create a class, kind of like a wrapper for a RabbitMQ connection, to publish messages to an exchange. This will be a class library used by another system.
My question is pretty straightforward: How do I go about closing and opening the connection?
My initial idea is something like this:
public class RabbitConnection
private readonly IConnection conn;
public RabbitConnection() {
try {
var factory = new ConnectionFactory() {...}
this.conn = factory.CreateConnection();
catch {
public void Publish<T>(T @event) where T : class {
using (var channel = conn.CreateModel()) {
Is this the best way if it isn't what do I search to find the best pattern?
Thanks is advance!
Open your connection and channel in the constructor, and close them when the instance is disposed. It is very important that RabbitConnection
is long-lived. If you create and close connections over and over (worst-case is per-message), it will drastically reduce performance as well as increase load on your RabbitMQ server and client application machine.