I implemented a route guard to protect the /settings
route with the vue-router method beforeEnter()
I try to test that the route is protected to admins only.
I am using Vuejs 2, Vue-router, Vuex and vue-test-utils.
import Vue from 'vue';
import Router from 'vue-router';
export default new Router({
routes: [
..., // other routes
path: '/settings',
name: 'Settings',
component: () => import('./views/settings'),
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
the unit test:
test('navigates to /settings view if the user is admin', () => {
const localVue = createLocalVue();
const router = new VueRouter();
const wrapper = shallowMount(App, {
stubs: ['router-link', 'router-view'],
mocks: {
$store: store
wrapper.vm.$route.push({ path: '/settings' });
// test if route is set correctly
current logs output:
wrapper.vm.$route` is undefined.
How can I mount the App correctly and access the router? How can I test the current route to verify that the admin user has been redirected succesfully?
Thank logan for the link. It seems like the best possible solution:
As of now there is no easy way to test navigation guards. If you want to simulate the event triggering by calling router.push
function, you are going to have a hard time. A better easier solution is to call the guard manually in beforeEach()
, but even this solution doesn't have a clean approach. See the following example:
// my-view.js
class MyView extends Vue {
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
next(function (vm) {
vm.entered = true;
// my-view.spec.js
it('should trigger beforeRouteEnter event', function () {
const view = mount(MyView);
const spy = sinon.spy(view.vm.$options.beforeRouteEnter, '0'); // you can't just call view.vm.beforeRouteEnter(). The function exists only in $options object.
const from = {}; // mock 'from' route
const to = {}; // mock 'to' route
view.vm.$options.beforeRouteEnter[0](to, from, cb => cb(view.vm));