I'm pretty new to unit testing. I've been given the task of testing this code. I understand that I have to use assertEquals to check if for example if RegionData.Key.DEV returns VZCRegion.Development. Any help would be appreciated.
fun fromCakeSliceRegion(cakeSliceIndex: RegionData.Key): VZCRegion {
return when (cakeSliceIndex) {
RegionData.Key.DEV -> VZCRegion.Development
RegionData.Key.EU_TEST -> VZCRegion.EuropeTest
RegionData.Key.US_TEST -> VZCRegion.UnitedStatesTest
RegionData.Key.US_STAGING -> VZCRegion.UnitedStatesStage
RegionData.Key.EU_STAGING -> VZCRegion.EuropeStage
RegionData.Key.LOCAL, RegionData.Key.EU_LIVE -> VZCRegion.Europe
RegionData.Key.AP_LIVE, RegionData.Key.US_LIVE -> VZCRegion.UnitedStates
RegionData.Key.PERFORMANCE, RegionData.Key.PERFORMANCE -> VZCRegion.Performance
First of all welcome to stackoverflow!
To get started with unit testing I will recommend you to read about them in general, good starting point, another stackoverflow answer
Now back to your test. You should create a test class under your test directory, not part of your main package.
The class could look like
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
class TestCakeSlice {
fun setUp() {
// this will run before every test
// usually used for common setup between tests
fun tearDown() {
// this will run after every test
// usually reset states, and cleanup
fun testSlideDev_returnsDevelopment() {
val result = fromCakeSliceRegion(RegionData.Key.DEV)
Assert.assertEquals(result, VZCRegion.Development)
fun `fun fact you can write your unit tests like this which is easier to read`() {
val result = fromCakeSliceRegion(RegionData.Key.DEV)
Assert.assertEquals(result, VZCRegion.Development)