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How to test closures in swift

Im new in writing testcases, so please do not refrain from any suggestions.

Problem - How do i write testcase for (closures/ higher order functions) not the api calling closures excluding them, inorder to get 100% coverage, im stuck only in this part.


init () {

    var items:[ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel] = []
    items.append(ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel(text: "Unexpected payment or \nunknown sender", isSelected: false))
    items.append(ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel(text: "Incorrect currency", isSelected: false))
    items.append(ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel(text: "Incorrect amount", isSelected: false))
    items.append(ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel(text: "Duplicate", isSelected: false))
    items.append(ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel(text: "Auction/Order cancelled", isSelected: false))
    items.append(ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel(text: "Charges exceeds the principle amount", isSelected: false))

    let observableToggleItems = Observable.just(items)
    let tappedItemAction = Observable.combineLatest(observableToggleItems, itemTapped)
        .map { argument -> [ReturnPaymentsOptionsModel] in // for this  closure im stuck
            let (items, indexPath) = argument
            var modifiedItems = items
            for index in modifiedItems.indices {
                if index == indexPath.row {
                } else {
                    modifiedItems[index].isSelected = false
            return modifiedItems
    didFetchToggleItems = Observable.merge(getToggleItems.withLatestFrom(observableToggleItems), tappedItemAction)


  • I'll assume you don't have issues with testing the Rx chain here, but with the closure itself.

    Then it would be better if you extracted that entire closure to a function you can unit test directly, and then just call the function in the closure in the .map, something like:

    function modifyItems(argument: ([Item], IndexPath)) -> [ITTReturnPaymentsOptionsModel] {
        // Your closure here

    And then something like:

    let tappedItemAction = Observable.combineLatest(observableToggleItems, itemTapped)
            .map { modifyItems($0) }

    This will allow you to unit test the function separately from the Rx chain.