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Ngrx: how to combine simpe store pattern with entity state?

Recently sorry if it's a duplicate of someone question. However I can't find solution for my problem.

I faced with a problem that I want to make my store state a little bit complex that ngrx/entity provides but I don't know how to make it properly.

Here are models in reducer that I have now:

export interface State extends EntityState<BagParametres> {
    SimpleBag: BagParametres;

export const adapter: EntityAdapter<BagParametres> = createEntityAdapter<BagParametres>({
    selectId: (params: BagParametres) =>

export const initialState: State = adapter.getInitialState({
    SimpleBag: defaultParams,
    RareBags: {
        ids: [],
        entities: []

So what store I expect:

    SimpleBag: {
    RareBags: {
        ids: [2, 3, 4 //, ...etc],
        entities: [
            { id: 2 //, etc params },
            { id: 3 //, etc params },
            { id: 4 //, etc params }
            // ... and so on

What store I'm getting:

    SimpleBag: {
        id: 1
        // etc params
    RareBags: {
        ids: [],
        entities: []
    ids: [2, 3, 4 //, ...etc],
    entities: [
        { id: 2 //, etc params },
        { id: 3 //, etc params },
        { id: 4 //, etc params }
        // ... and so on


How can I place ids and entities inside RareBags?


  • You are mixing up the state. What you want is 2 differents entities storages.

    export interface State {
        simpleBag: BagParametres;
        rareBag: RareBagState
    export interface RareBagState extends EntityState<BagParametres> {}
    export const rareAdapter: EntityAdapter<BagParametres> = createEntityAdapter<BagParametres>({
        selectId: (params: BagParametres) =>
    export const initialState: State = {
        simpleBag: defaultParams,
        rareBag: rareAdapter.getInitialState({})