When typing C# code in JetBrains Rider, it gives a list of 'using' namespace suggestions. For example, typing 'List' will show a number of suggested 'using' namespaces it can add, like 'List<> (in System.Collections.Generic)'.
The annoying thing is, often the top suggestion is a namespace from a third-party library that you will never care about. Like typing 'Assert' will suggest using ModestTree from Zenject, something I will never need.
It's even so bad that I will already have a 'using' namespace for 'Assert' in my current class (in this case: using NUnit.Framework), and it will STILL suggest using the ModestTree as the top entry.
Is there any way to specify namespaces for a project that I will never want to use, and therefore not have them show up in the autocomplete suggestion? Perhaps a plugin?
Have a look here
Inspection [name of inspection] | Disable once with comment | Disable and restore with comment
— this option inserts a pair of comments before and after the issue - ReSharper disable [inspection id] and ReSharper restore [inspection id]. These comments suppress the inspection for all corresponding issues between them.
You can then move these comments to other places in the file so that several issues of this type are suppressed. For example, this can be useful to suppress the 'redundant namespace' inspection if you want to keep several unused namespace imports.
If it doesn't help, you can ask for help here