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Metadata Extraction of mpegdash file

We use ffprobe, I want to know if mpegdash is supported by ffprobe. I wnt to extract technical metadata of the .mpd file for example bitrate. I do not want to stream or encode. I just want to read the data

When I run the command ffprobe -formats.I don't see .mpd extension being supported by ffprobe. Is there any library or extension that I need to add. Or ffmpeg/ffprobe would not be enough to extract the data. Is thee any other tool or library available for this.


  • Well as nobody has answered till now and I have found a solution. I will answer myself. if we run the command :

    ffmpeg -re -i <file_name.mpd> -f dash -

    FFmpeg reads the XML file required to read. But it also reads the chunks and a lot of other information too. Which makes it difficult to extract technical metadata. The easiest option I concluded is to write the customised code to read the mpeg_dash.mpd file. as the XML file contains all the information.

    To read more about the format of mpeg_dash file:

    You can use existing MPD parser like

    I hope this helps.