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Where to download these three files, "owmctab.plb","owmaggrs.plb","owmaggrb.plb"

I need use WM_CONCAT() function,but the oracle 11g haven't.

Some articles say the problem can be fixed through these three files "owmctab.plb,owmaggrs.plb,owmaggrb.plb".

So i want to download that files,where i can download?

plase get me some clues! Thanks!


  • WM_CONCAT is an undocumented function and as such is not supported by Oracle for user applications, and even not exists in DB version 11 Release 2+.

    You can use listagg() function alternatively as

    select deptno, listagg(ename, ',') within group (order by ename) as employees
      from emp
     group by deptno;

    instead of

    select deptno, wm_concat(ename, ',') as employees
      from emp
     group by deptno;