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Properly compile Zim wiki for Mac OS

Does anyone know how to compile Zim wiki for Mac so that it functions just like any other app. I currently have it setup using Platypus as described here. However that gives you two icons in the dock and the app window doesn't look very nice. I was wondering if there perhaps was a better solution.


  • The wait is over, As of today the best way to use Zim with MacOS is as below. It works flawless even with Retina display support. It involves two simple steps.

    • Step 1: Use Homebrew to install zim, which takes care of building by resolving all the proper dependencies. brew install zim
    • Step 2: Place a wrapper app in the Applications folder which will be helpful in launching the app, and direct switching with apps like BetterTouchTool etc.

      Thanks to @izhakjakov for solving years log agony of not been able to use Zim. This link gives all the required information.