I want to use a function like this:
function int: nextr(var int: n)
if n <= 1
elseif n <= 8
n + 5
elseif n <= 68
n + 13
elseif n <= 509
n + 34
elseif n <= 3611
n + 89
else n + 233
in a constraint that variable must satisfy any value in nextr(n), nextr(nextr(n)), nextr(next(nextr(n))), and so on.
Is there a way to specify such constraint in minizinc? If not possible generally, I'm OK with explicit recursion limit, but without tedious enumeration of all the steps?
The value of y
is constrained to be equal
next(x) \/ next(next(x)) \/ ...
up to K
levels of nesting.
function var int: nextr(var int: n) =
if n <= 1 then
elseif n <= 8 then
n + 5
elseif n <= 68 then
n + 13
elseif n <= 509 then
n + 34
elseif n <= 3611 then
n + 89
n + 233
int: K = 10;
var int: x;
var int: y;
array[1..K] of var int: rec_up_to_k;
constraint forall (i in 1..K) (
if i == 1 then
rec_up_to_k[i] = nextr(x)
rec_up_to_k[i] = nextr(rec_up_to_k[i-1])
constraint exists (i in 1..K) (
y = rec_up_to_k[i]
constraint x >= 0;
solve satisfy;
x = 3612;
y = 3845;
rec_up_to_k = array1d(1..10, [3845, 4078, 4311, 4544, 4777, 5010, 5243, 5476, 5709, 5942]);