I'm trying to get the count from a select SQL sentence but no luck, how can I retrieve the value?
Here is where I call the function :
Dim sql3 As String = "select COUNT(*) as countvalue from fat_prods where id_fat=" + valor.ToString + ""
Dim dadosretornados3 As System.Data.DataTableReader = buscadadosacess(sql3)
here is the function:
Function buscadadosacess(sql As String)
oConn.ConnectionString = strConn
If oConn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
ACommand = New OleDbCommand(sql, oConn)
'define um dataAdapter
AAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
AAdapter.SelectCommand = ACommand
'define e preenche um DataTable com os dados
ATabela = New DataTable()
' associar campos a base de dados
xy = ATabela.CreateDataReader
' Ler da tabela
'linha = ACommand.ExecuteReader
End If
'Tipo de dados incorrecto na expressão de critérios.'
Return xy
End Function
my question is how do i retrieve the countvalue?
if it was somekinda of column in database i will be like msgbox(dadosretornados("id_fat"))
so my real question is what i need to put inside of dadosretornados(HERE) to get the value of the count?
Try the following:
Private Function RowCount() As Integer
' Declare the object to return
Dim count As Integer = -1
' Declare the connection object
Dim con As OleDbConnection
' Wrap code in Try/Catch
' Set the connection object to a new instance
' TODO: Change "My Connection String Here" with a valid connection string
con = New OleDbConnection("My Connection String Here")
' Create a new instance of the command object
Using cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT Count([id_fat]) FROM [fat_prods] WHERE [id_fat]=@id_fat", con)
' Paramterize the query
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id_fat", valor)
' Open the connection
' Use ExecuteScalar to return a single value
count = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())
' Close the connection
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
' Display the error
' Check if the connection object was initialized
If con IsNot Nothing Then
If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
' Close the connection if it was left open(exception thrown)
End If
' Dispose of the connection object
End If
End Try
' Return the row count
Return count
End Function
What this function does is either return the row count or -1 if it failed. It does so by calling the ExecuteScalar
on a command that returns a single (count) value.
It also cleans up any lingering objects by either using the Using statement or explicitly calling the Dispose