I have a dataset that looks like the following:
pt_fin Admit_Type MONTH_YEAR BED_ORDERED_TO_DISPO (minutes)
1 Acute Jan 214
2 Acute Jan 628
3 ICU Jan 300
4 ICU Feb 99
I already have a code (see below) that produces a plot with a x (admit type grouped my month) and y axes (median bed to dispo time), but I want to add a secondary Y axes which counts the number of patients which were used to compute each respective median.
For example, I want a secondary Y axis data point that corresponds to the month and admit type, so for Jan, the secondary Y axis data point will have a 2 separate counts 1)of the patients admitted to acute and 2) of the patients admitted to ICU.
proc sgplot data=Combined;
title "Median Bed Order To Dispo By Month, Admit Location";
vbar MONTH_YEAR / response=BED_ORDERED_TO_DISPO stat=median
group = Admit_Type groupdisplay=cluster ;
I've been trying to adapt what I've found here but the plots my code produces are super messy and incorrect.
Desired output(pretend X's and *'s, respectively, are connected in a line graph corresponding to the Y axis):
| * |
m | | | X | | #
e | x | | * |
d | | | | | |
Acute ICU Acute ICU
Jan FEb
Code which I've tried that produce rubbish
proc sgplot data=Combined;
vbarbasic MONTH_YEAR/ response=Bed_Order_Hour y2axis; /*needs to be on y axis 1*/
group = Admit_Type
series x=MONTH_YEAR y=Pt_fin/ markers; *Pt_fin needs to be on y axis 2*/
Your visualization explanation is weak. You might want to use two plotting statements in your SGPLOT
data have;
do type = 'Acute', 'ICU';
do month = '01jan2018'd to '31dec2018'd;
do _n_ = 1 to floor (50 * ranuni(123));
patid + 1;
minutes = 10 + floor(1000 * ranuni(123));
month = intnx ('month', month, 0, 'e');
format month monname3.;
ods html5 file="plot.html" path="c:\temp";
proc sgplot data=have;
title "Median of patient minutes by month";
vbar month / group=type groupdisplay=cluster response=minutes stat=median;
vline month / group=type groupdisplay=cluster response=minutes stat=freq y2axis ;
ods html5 close;
The vline
presents the viewer a secondary focus on the frequency for each median. The same information (as an aspect) of the median could be communicated instead with just a modification of the vbar intensity. The highest freq bars (of median) would be 'strongest' shade and the lower 'freq' bars would be faded.