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Replace entity with its label in SpaCy

Is there anyway by SpaCy to replace entity detected by SpaCy NER with its label? For example: I am eating an apple while playing with my Apple Macbook.

I have trained NER model with SpaCy to detect "FRUITS" entity and the model successfully detects the first "apple" as "FRUITS", but not the second "Apple".

I want to do post-processing of my data by replacing each entity with its label, so I want to replace the first "apple" with "FRUITS". The sentence will be "I am eating an FRUITS while playing with my Apple Macbook."

If I simply use regex, it will replace the second "Apple" with "FRUITS" as well, which is incorrect. Is there any smart way to do this?



  • the entity label is an attribute of the token (see here)

    import spacy
    from spacy import displacy
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
    s = "His friend Nicolas is here."
    doc = nlp(s)
    print([t.text if not t.ent_type_ else t.ent_type_ for t in doc])
    # ['His', 'friend', 'PERSON', 'is', 'here', '.']
    print(" ".join([t.text if not t.ent_type_ else t.ent_type_ for t in doc]) )
    # His friend PERSON is here .


    In order to handle cases were entities can span several words the following code can be used instead:

    s = "His friend Nicolas J. Smith is here with Bart Simpon and Fred."
    doc = nlp(s)
    newString = s
    for e in reversed(doc.ents): #reversed to not modify the offsets of other entities when substituting
        start = e.start_char
        end = start + len(e.text)
        newString = newString[:start] + e.label_ + newString[end:]
    #His friend PERSON is here with PERSON and PERSON.


    Jinhua Wang brought to my attention that there is now a more built-in and simpler way to do this using the merge_entities pipe. See Jinhua's answer below.